
Firebase billing kill-switch

Developers and small businesses have been forced to fork up thousands of dollars in un-expected firebase costs - prevent this with kill-switch.

Remove billing account

Automatically remove the billing account from Firebase when your limit is reached - whether it's $5 or $5,000 - you decide the limit, we'll pull the plug for you when it's breached

Easy ROI

Accidental Firebase bills can get to $1,000s - don't let it happen to you

Get started safely

Small bugs - like rogue firestore triggers - can lead to huge bills, Flames Shield stops these getting out of hand

Denial of Wallet (DoW) prevention

Attacks can spam

Where to bills come from?

Firebase is a great platform, focused on getting things done quickly - but eye-watering bills come from

  • Un-expected load - a viral message or effective marketing might mean you’re hit with 1,000s or 1,000,000s of users you weren’t expecting and didn’t built for. It’s an expensive way to find out your solution doesn’t quite scale like you thought it would…
  • Subtle bugs - Whilst being powerful for developers, firebase can sometimes lead developers to bugs that are hard to detect, like circular triggers (firestore triggers a function, which updates firestore, which triggers a function…) - these types of bugs are often only discovered when the bill comes in at the end of the month…
  • Lack of limits - If you thought people would upload KBs and end up doing GBs, or functions get called much more often - the real-world patterns can be quite different to what you predicted.
  • Attackers - there are hackers out there deliberately spamming services in a ‘denial of wallet’ attack - deliberately trying to waste your money, or take your service offline. Whether email enumeration attacks, exposed firebase functions or public writable databses - it can be an expensive mistake to have no protection in place.

See it in action

Firebase Billing protection that's easy to set up


Ready to Get Started?

GDPR on Firebase made simple. Get started with Flame Shield today.